Tag: samples

06/05/2014 / / Nikon 1

Sufficient time since the release of the Nikon 1 V3 has passed and there are now enough reviews, samples and videos to make one’s mind about the camera. I’ve added all the worthwhile material to the link collection you see below. Hope that helps you reach a decision whether to upgrade, switch to a new system or stick to your V1/V2 and wait for the eventual V4. 😉 Nikon_1_V3_10_30_PD_DFN1000_GRN1010_angle

03/05/2014 / / Olympus 45mm f/1.8

I’ve had my Olympus OM-D E-M10 for two weeks now, but due to being swamped at work and having some business meetings abroad I couldn’t find the time to write a blog post about the camera and the first batch of pictures I took with it. Together with the E-M10 I also bought the Olympus 45mm f/1.8 and the Panasonic Leica 25mm f/1.4. Both seem to be excellent lenses. I can’t say much without some thorough testing first and I don’t like to go out on a limb, but Olympus cameras seem to be like mini super computers with loads of customization, which can be overwhelming at first. But once you assign the functions you want to the Fn buttons and customize the features and the way the camera operates to your liking, chances are you won’t need to dive in to a menu for a looong time. The E-M10 is the opposite of the Nikon V1. You can customize almost anything and the level of manual control is insane, but in a good way. The aspect of the camera I like best is undoubtedly the IBIS. With the V1 I’ve learned to hold the camera firmly and to do my best to avoid any movement. I even hold my breath when going under 1/50th of a second, but with the Olympus I find myself shooting anyway I see fit, while still getting sharp photos free of camera shake. Anyway here are some of my first photos with the E-M10, 45/1.8 and 25/1.4, most of which were taken at high ISO (ISO1600 and above).

Olympus OM-D E-M10 & Olympus 45mm f/1.8

14/03/2014 / / Nikon 1
21/02/2014 / / Nikon 1

According to users and reviewers Nikon 1 Nikkor 6.7-13mm is the sharpest zoom in the Nikon 1 lens lineup hands down and one of the three sharpest lenses overall. The other two are the 18.5mm f/1.8 (which I have reviewed here) and the 32mm f/1.2. Being right up there with standard and portrait primes in regards to image quality is no small feat for an ultra wide angle zoom. Read on to find out what makes the 6.7-13mm so special. Nikon-1-Nikkor-VR-6.7-13

10/02/2014 / / C-Mount 25mm f/1.4

After a long break due to holidays, bad weather and poor health (sinusitis) I’ve finally managed to take some photos with my cheapo C-Mount 25mm f/1.4 lens. It will take a while until I’ve taken enough images and until I’m confident enough to write a review, but many things I have written about its “big brother”, the C-Mount 50mm f/1.4 (link to my Review), also apply to the 25mm f/1.4. Click on the photos to view them in Full HD resolution on Flickr. The image quality is not very good, so don’t be shocked if there are CAs and if the resolution/sharpness is vastly inferior to the 1 Nikkors. 🙂

Nikon V1 & C-Mount 25mm f/1.4

23/12/2013 / / C-Mount 50mm f/1.4

More than a month ago I have posted some of my images taken with the 50mm f/1.4 C-Mount and my initial thoughts regarding the no-name lens. In the meantime I have taken some additional photos with the “Plastilux” (which is what I like to call it) and my Nikon V1, but not nearly as many as I would have liked to. Nevertheless I feel confident that I have learned all there is to know about the 50/1.4 C-Mount since I’ve bought it in August 2013.

(UPDATE 02.06.2016: I’ve been using the 50/1.4 CCTV C-mount lens on my Olympus OM-D E-M10 and have written a micro 4/3 centric review. If you are a M4/3 shooter and would like to see how this lens performs on the larger sensor, you can read the review here.)

Nikon V1 & C-Mount 50mm f/1.4

So why call it “Plastilux”? Well, at $47/£32/€38 this lens is cheap but capable of some great results, if you put in the time. Read on to find out what I think about the build quality, image quality, depth of field control, usability and price vs. performance of this lens.

02/11/2013 / / Nikon 1
20/10/2013 / / Nikon 1