ON1 Photo RAW: the future of RAW processing?


Two things are currently making us photographers spend more time in front of our PC monitors than we would like to: stagnating hardware and photo-editing software development and ever higher resolving cameras. The developers at ON1 are looking to change that with ON1 Photo RAW, their latest RAW editing software.

One of the main features of ON1 Photo RAW is its processing engine, which is – according to the developers – supposed to be able to utilize the power of modern day graphics processors in our PCs, in order to speed-up processing and improve user experience. This in my eyes is the most exciting aspect of ON1 Photo RAW – the videos, which you can see down below, certainly look promising. I’m currently using FastStone to separate the wheat from the chaff – Lightroom, in my opinion, is not fast enough for this task – and Lightroom for developing the keepers. Should ON1 Photo RAW deliver on its promise and not have a radically different workflow compared to Lightroom, it could replace both of the said programs.

Also interesting is that there is no importing or cataloging of the photos, but I’m unsure how this is implemented. This is, however, by no means all. Check out the videos down below and visit the official website to learn more about this new RAW editing software.

One last bit of info: ON1 Photo RAW will be available this fall for a yearly $150 subscription. According to petapixel you will still be able to use the software even if you decide to not renew the subscription after the first year. In which case, however, you stop getting the latest updates.

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Ivan Written by:


  1. 30/04/2016

    “I’m currently using FastStone to separate the wheat from the chaff” — I do the same. I didn’t know about the yearly $150 subscription for the new ON1 Photo RAW. Price seems high to me, but then I am broke.

    • Ivan

      “I’m currently using FastStone to separate the wheat from the chaff” — I do the same.

      It’s so snappy, it’s a joy to use, isn’t it?

      I didn’t know about the yearly $150 subscription for the new ON1 Photo RAW. Price seems high to me, but then I am broke.

      It does seem high. I just checked and I bought Lightroom 5 in February 2014 for 83 Euros. So either Lightroom was a bargain or ON1 Photo RAW is expensive. 😉

  2. MiK Images

    I have been using Fast Stone, but it has problem with CMS (color management on my eizo).
    Recently I’ve found Fast Picture Viewer, and (I am usually reluctant to new software, I don’t have time to install/learn/test/etc. when thousands of photos are awaiting), it works great. Very fast NEF reading. Very intiitive interface. Support for “separate wheat from the chaff”.

    • Ivan

      I will check it out when I find the time.

  3. 23/07/2016

    Ivan, have you given On1 any suggestions for their new program? I saw this page: “ON1 Photo RAW will be the world’s fastest, most flexible, and easiest to use raw processor and photo editors available. Now’s the time to make your voice heard. With The Photo RAW Project, you have the chance to be a part of what we’re building and it’s just the beginning. You now have a voice in the future of raw photo editing. Your ideas will help us deliver the best raw processor available, give us insight to what’s most important, and help spark product innovation.”
    Site: Ideas – ON1, Inc.

    • Ivan

      Is ON1 out already and is there a trial version? I forgot about it entirely.

      • 23/07/2016

        I don’t think the Photo RAW is out yet, but they are taking suggestions for it now.

        • Ivan

          Don’t see how anyone can give usable feedback prior to testing the software.

    • Ivan

      I only use Lightroom 5.7 for noise reduction. I’m familiar with Thomas Stirr. He’s a great photographer who shows off very nicely what can be done with Nikon 1 cameras and lenses. I’ve read the article you have linked to already. The results look nice, but I’m not a fan of using multiple applications. I prefer my post processing workflow as simple and as streamlined as possible. For example if Lightroom was faster at displaying images, I would stop using FastStone altogether.

      • 23/07/2016

        I agree with you on this issue. I also would like to be able to just use one program for processing images. I use and like Picasa 3 (fast and simple and easy to do touch ups on the jpg images) for now but really looking forward to trying out the ON1 Photo RAW — if I think I could afford it. Been too broke for too long. 🙁

        • Ivan

          if I think I could afford it. Been too broke for too long. 🙁

          I know how you feel. Sani and I are living off of my savings since March. There is no decently paid work in Serbia and the jobs that pay enough to allow you to lead a life with the bare minimum of human dignity are all reserved for party members and their relatives/close friends. Hence we will be trying our luck in Austria or Germany very soon.

          • 26/07/2016

            Sorry to hear that you are having work troubles too. Seems a lot of people all over are having the same troubles. Hope things get better for you wherever you decide to live/travel.

          • Ivan

            Sorry to hear that you are having work troubles too. Seems a lot of people all over are having the same troubles.

            Well, it seems like the world is going to hell.

            Hope things get better for you wherever you decide to live/travel.

            I would like to stay in Serbia. There is no place like home, after all. But the Serbian society has become so nepotistic that idiots are doing all the important jobs and smart and capable people are leaving the country at an alarming rate. It’s not important what you can do, it’s only important who you know or who owes you a favour. People who can’t read, at least not good enough to finish elementary school, are ministers and secretaries. Hell even our president, an undertaker by trade, is someone who can’t form a concise sentence. In his ignorance he insults foreign representative on a regular basis. He called the Chinese “yellow people” while standing next to the Chinese ambassador.

        • Ivan

          Hi Joni. I downloaded the beta, but haven’t come to testing it out yet. Is On1 still pursuing the subscription model (as in pay X amount every year) or can you use the software for an unlimited amount of time after paying $99.99?

          • 04/12/2016

            “ON1 Photo RAW is the lightning fast raw processor, photo editor and plug-in collection all in one app photographers have been asking for. Unlike the current class of raw-based photo editors requiring catalogs, bouncing between apps for editing, and a subscription ecosystem, ON1 Photo RAW features a new, modern raw processing engine, tuned for today’s sensors and graphics chips. Combined with our current set of tools, the next generation of ON1 Photo 10, will continue to work where you want, as a standalone app, a plug-in for Adobe® Photoshop® & Lightroom®, or a host app for other editing apps.

            No Subscription Required.
            For Mac and Windows.”

            Site: ON1 Photo RAW – ON1, Inc.

          • Ivan

            That sounds interesting. I’ll have to try it out!

          • Ivan

            Thanks Joni!

    • Ivan

      There is no Windows version of Affinity Photo. It’s a shame because it does look very interesting.

      • 28/07/2016

        I think they will have a Window’s version in the fall if all goes well.

        • Ivan

          I signed up for the beta and have received a download link right away. I’ve downloaded the beta and I’m installing it now.

          • Ivan

            Oops, this was the Affinity Designer software. 🙁

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